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Doom 64

Doom Artifact 1 for Doom 64 - Nintendo 64

In the Outpost Omega level, once you have killed everything and reached the exit (this makes it easier), turn back. Go to where you entered the level and walk to the 4 computers that are just before the room with the 4 cages. Turn Right and activate the computer that isn't flashing. The Red Key will be visible at the very end of the room of cages. Now go and get it (if you haven't already).

Now return to the Blue Key Door. Jump down to the Platform below. Now turn left and jump down to the platform below. Now look to your right and you will see another platform. Run across to it and look at the wall on the left. It is actually a lift. Bring it down and shoot the switch that you will see directly across from it. A Laser Gun should appear in front of you. Take it and turn right. Kill the Imp and run across to the platform that his body is on.

The switch there temporarily lowers a lift that is 3 platforms away (behind you). Flick the switch and quickly run across to the lift and get on it. When ir rises again, look across and you will see a switch on the wall. Shoot it and jump off the lift.

Now return to the platform that the dead Imp is on and flick the switch again and run for the lift that you were on before. The switch that you shot just before, will be there again. Shoot it and jump from the lift again. Now turn left and run to the 'next' platform (not the one with the dead Imp). Turn right and jump down to the platform below. Now to your right again you will see a door. Use the Red Key to open it and grab the artifact.

Note: There are 3 of these artifacts. Each of them making the Laser more powerful. | Submitted by HRBEK

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