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Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Terminal usernames and passwords for Deus Ex: Human Revolution - PlayStation 3

Use the following username and passwords to access the corresponding terminal."

Sarif HQ

Sarif Industries F2: Username: "fpritchard" Password: "nuclearsnke"
Sarif Industries F3: Username: "tbruger" Password: "eclipse"
Sarif Industries F3: Username: "ajenson" Password: "mandrake"
Sarif's Office: Username: "amargoulis" Password: "gsspgirl"
Factoring Lans F1: Username: "doutchman" Password: "windmill"
Admin F2: Username: "fmarchand" Password: "factotum"
Admin F2: Username: "gthorpe" Password: "hydro"
Admin F2: Username: "rmccauf" Password: "hvywethr"
Admin F2: Username: "sgrimes" Password: "ovid"
Admin F2: Username: "tcaldwell" Password: "talon"
Admin F2: Username: "mross" Password: "lions"
Admin F2: Username: "fbrooks" Password: "tipple"
Admin F2: Username: "vclark" Password: "tigers"
Admin F2: Username: "cparker" Password: "zinc"
Admin F2: Username: "mlatona" Password: "redwings"
Admin F4: Username: "jthorpe" Password: "hydra"
Factoring Labs F1: Username: "doutchman" Password: "windmill"


Jenson's Apartment Lobby: Username: "sterhorst" Password: "queenbee"
Apartment 3 F2: Username: "docta" Password: "atcod"
Apartment 3 F1: Username: "omalley" Password: "trojan"
Police Department F1: Username: "bsterling" Password: "investor"
Police Department F1: Username: "pdick" Password: "lectrolam"
Police Department F1: Username: "jballard" Password: "solempire"
Police Department F1: Username: "jchampagne" Password: "grimster"
Police Department F1: Username: "wgibson" Password: "baronnull"
Police Department F1: Username: "rdeckard" Password: "unicorn"
Police Department F1: Username: "hellison" Password: "cordwainer"
Police Department F1: Username: "bbethke" Password: "maverick"
Police Department F1: Username: "pcadigan" Password: "desprit"
Police Department F1: Username: "mfrezell" Password: "llezerf"
Police Department F1: Username: "whass" Password: "catharsis"
Police Department F2: Username: "fnicefield" Password: "patriotism"
Police Department F2: Username: "cleboeuf" Password: "dasteer"
Police Department F2: Username: "rpenn" Password: "apophenion"
Police Department F3: Username: "cwagner" Password: "fuckface"
Police Department F3: Username: "fmccann" Password: "solanum"
Police Department F3: Username: "jalexander" Password: "basileus"
Police Department F3: Username: "bgum" Password: "justicar"
Police Department F3: Username: "guest" Password: "password1"
Police Department F3: Username: "amurphy" Password: "thighgun"

Fema Camp

Fema Yard F1: Username: "wks0012" Password: "ntlec59"
Fema Yard F1: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub"
Fema Interior B1: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub"
Fema Interior B1: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub"
Fema Interior B1: Username: "wks0010" Password: "usprokt"
Fema Interior B1: Username: "lbarret" Password: "bullskull"
Fema Interior B3: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub"
Fema Interior B3: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub"
Fema Interior B3: Username: "wks2011" Password: "crrctions"
Fema Interior B3: Username: "wks3021" Password: "hmldsec1"
Fema Interior B3: Username: "wks4145" Password: "hmldsec2"


Hung Hua Hotel: Username: "msuen" Password: "oleander"
Alice Gardens Pod 1: Username: "asgarden" Password: "rbbthole"
The Hive: Username: "bbao" Password: "vanguard"
The Hive: Username: "wbees" Password: "paperfan"

Tay Zong Medical

Pool: Username: "poolrm" Password: "pelagic"
F1: Username: "lgeng" Password: "gehong"
F3: Username: "zarvlad" Password: "muonrule"
F3: Username: "rkumar" Password: "outback"
F4: Username: "nemuni" Password: "ironfist"
F4: Username: "tymmf" Password: "ebrain"
F4: Username: "gengl" Password: "pangutym"


F3: Username: "mwells" Password: "lavadome"
F3: Username: "jricard" Password: "macro"
F3: Username: "atresman" Password: "skylark"
F3: Username: "sbernard" Password: "dumbass"
F6: Username: "jkenney" Password: "montroyal"
F6: Username: "dgassner" Password: "oneida"
Restricted Area F1: Username: "pcorbo" Password: "spitfire"
Restricted Area F1: Username: "bshupper" Password: "widget"
Restricted Area F1: Username: "jchapman" Password: "diode"
Restricted Area F1: Username: "jchapman" Password: "diode"
Restricted Area F2: Username: "emasse" Password: "moufette"
Restricted Area F2: Username: "bnorthco" Password: "sterling"
Restricted Area F3: Username: "ltodd" Password: "titom"

Detroit Convention Center

F3: Username: "wtaggart" Password: "marjorie"


Territory B1: Username: "zhengl" Password: "hirollr"
Territory B2: Username: "ttong" Password: "mirrshds"

Hengsha Seaport

Seaport F2: Username: "prmtr01" Password: "collosus"
Seaport F3: Username: "jwang" Password: "mainman"

Omega Ranch

F1: Username: "dfalk" Password: "topfrag"
F1: Username: "eblake" Password: "hndstuth"
F1: Username: "dabblett" Password: "monastic"
F1: Username: "ogomez" Password: "techsmex"
F1: Username: "lmorano" Password: "morpheus"
F2: Username: "aoconnor" Password: "keppler"
F2: Username: "pwalts" Password: "ruckus"


Port of Entry: Username: "kathys" Password: "mssinghme"
Landing Pad: Username: "amelie" Password: "lstforever"
Hyron Project: Username: "hualing" Password: "iwntlove"
Hyron Project: Username: "daiyu" Password: "frgottn"
Hyron Project: Username: "marilyn" Password: "yyyyyy"
Tower: Username: "isabella" Password: "rhemmberme

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